- A - (5 Families, 110 Individuals)
Albaston (1), Appleton (5), Astles (7), Avacan (1), Avercan (1)
- B - (29 Families, 305 Individuals)
Baker (1), Barker (2), Barret (2), Barrow (1), Bate (4), Becket (1), Beckett (3), Beech (1), Beirne (1), Benbow (2), Bennion (49), Bentley (1), Berry (2), Birchby (1), Birtles (1), Bohan (6), Boon (1), Booth (38), Bostock (6), Bowen (10), Bower (1), Bowyer (2), Boyes (2), Bradford (3), Bradley (1), Bromfield (6), Broomfield (10), Buckley (3), Byrom (9)
- C - (19 Families, 193 Individuals)
Cannon (1), Carney (1), Chester (1), Church (2), Clark (3), Clarke (3), Cleary (1), Comberbach (5), Condron (1), Connor (1), Cookson (3), Coughlan (1), Cowper (1), Crimer (2), Cross (5), Croxton (2), Cullen (1), Cumberbach (1), Currier (1)
- D - (10 Families, 54 Individuals)
Dale (1), Darlington (1), Davenport (1), Davies (4), Dillon (1), Dodd (1), Donoghue (1), Dumbobbin (1), Dunbavin (3), Dutton (1)
- E - (3 Families, 24 Individuals)
Eaton (4), Ellis (4), Evans (2)
- F - (9 Families, 121 Individuals)
Flanagan (2), Fleetwood (27), Foden (3), Foster (2), Fox (2), French (1), Furnevall (12), Furnival (26), Furnivall (15)
- G - (8 Families, 76 Individuals)
Gale (1), Gaunt (1), Gilheeny (1), Glover (1), Goodyer (1), Gorst (1), Grant (1), Guest (12)
- H - (28 Families, 212 Individuals)
Hall (1), Harding (1), Harkan (3), Harrison (1), Havacan (3), Havecan (1), Havercan (13), Havican (2), Heath (2), Helsby (1), Herbert (4), Hevecan (3), Heveghan (1), Hevican (2), Hevigan (1), Hewson (1), Hill (1), Hinton (1), Hitchens (4), Hoban (26), Holgrave (1), Holland (1), Hooligan (5), Horkins (1), Houlgrave (17), Hughes (1), Hunt (11), Huson (1)
- J - (3 Families, 31 Individuals)
Jackson (4), Johnson (1), Jones (1)
- K - (5 Families, 38 Individuals)
Keam (5), Kelly (2), Kennidy (1), Kettle (21), Knight (1)
- L - (5 Families, 156 Individuals)
Lamb (1), Lea (2), Lee (1), Lingard (1), Littler (2)
- M - (20 Families, 202 Individuals)
Maddock (2), Mainwaring (1), Marsh (1), Martin (8), Maxfield (1), McCarthy (1), McDermott (3), McDonald (1), McHale (6), McNulty (1), Mercer (1), Millington (2), Mills (13), Milne (6), Milns (1), Moore (1), Morrey (5), Morry (2), Murphy (31), Murray (1)
- N - (2 Families, 19 Individuals)
Nicholson (12), Noton (2)
- O - (2 Families, 8 Individuals)
Oakes (1), Oaks (3)
- P - (17 Families, 286 Individuals)
Parks (1), Pemberton (10), Penington (1), Pennington (3), Pickstock (1), Pidcock (57), Pimblett (4), Pimblott (32), Pimlott (29), Pinnington (76), Podmore (4), Poole (9), Postle (1), Postles (1), Prescot (1), Prest (5), Price (2)
- R - (12 Families, 252 Individuals)
Rathbone (9), Raynor (4), Redding (1), Reynolds (1), Roach (7), Roberts (1), Robinson (21), Rooney (1), Rowlinson (2), Rushton (1), Ryan (6), Rylance (1)
- S - (15 Families, 191 Individuals)
Sadler (1), Scully (1), Senior (91), Sephton (1), Shaw (5), Sherrat (1), Sherratt (1), Simpson (1), Skellern (1), Smith (2), Southern (2), Steel (1), Steele (2), Sutherst (1), Sutton (1)
- T - (7 Families, 73 Individuals)
Thomas (1), Thomson (1), Thornley (1), Tomlinson (12), Tracey (1), Traynor (1), Twemlow (1)
- U - (2 Families, 22 Individuals)
Underwood (11), ?unknown (1)
- V - (3 Families, 12 Individuals)
Verdin (1), Vernon (8), Vickers (1)
- W - (19 Families, 163 Individuals)
Walker (7), Walsh (2), Warburton (1), Webb (4), Webster (2), Weedall (1), Wells (10), Whalley (1), Whitby (1), White (1), Whitehouse (6), Whittaker (7), Whittle (1), Wilkinson (1), Williams (5), Winstanley (1), Worsley (1), Worthington (3), Wrench (2)
- Y - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Young (1)
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